Becoming a Permanent Checking Station

Permanent Checking Stations (PCS) are locations where parents/caregivers can receive information about child passenger safety from nationally certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians and have their car seats and seat belts checked to be sure they are installed and used correctly.

Before Applying to Become a PCS

Determine who the Primary and Secondary Contacts will be for the PCS.

Determine the public contact, hours, and locations at which you will be offering seat checks.

Determine who will staff the PCS and ensure all individuals who will be teaching caregivers how to use and install their seats are currently certified CPSTs.

Steps for becoming an NC-recognized PCS

These steps cannot be completed on a mobile device.

  1. Create an individual account (both the Primary and Secondary contacts will need individual accounts) by clicking on “login” in the left side panel.
  2. Login to your account using the username and password emailed to you and select, “Create a New Program.”
  3. Complete the form and hit submit; a pre-populated application will be generated based on the information entered.
  4. Obtain the signatures of the Primary Contact and the Agency head (chief, director, etc.).
  5. Follow instructions to complete and submit application by mail or email.
  6. Your application will be reviewed for completeness and clarity and approved when complete.

If you need assistance or have questions about becoming a permanent checking station, contact