How do I become a Child Passenger Safety Technician Instructor?

Child Passenger Safety Instructors teach the National CPS Certification Classes and work with Technicians to review and approve seat checks needed for recertification.

A list of North Carolina’s CPS Instructors and Proxies can be found here.

North Carolina’s process for becoming a CPS Instructor differs slightly from the requirements set forth by the National Certification Program. Interested Technicians in North Carolina must have been certified for at least one year prior to applying to become a certified Instructor (compared to the minimum of 6 months required by Safe Kids Certification) and must first complete the NC Instructor Candidate Application and serve as a Course Assistant prior to applying to become an Instructor with Safe Kids.

Minimum qualifications for becoming a NC Instructor:

Application Process

  1. Complete the NC Instructor Candidate Application and submit it to the NC Child Passenger Safety Program.
  2. Serve as a Technician Course Assistant in a NC-sponsored CPS certification course chosen by the NC Child Passenger Safety Program and receive a satisfactory evaluation. Submit Course Assistant Evaluation Form to the NC Child Passenger Safety Program.
  3. Complete the Safe Kids Instructor Candidate application (including payment) as required by the Safe Kids CPS Certification program.
  4. Serve as an Instructor Candidate in a NC-sponsored CPS certification course chosen by the NC Child Passenger Safety Program and receive a satisfactory evaluation.
