The University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center maintains a printable recall list for use during car seat checks.
The CPS Technician Liability Law applies to currently certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians and their sponsoring organizations.
Helpful articles and tools for Technicians, including the complete Child Passenger Safety Technician Certification Manual.
Contact information for counties participating in the CPS Diversion Program.
The LATCH manual is an easy to use resource that includes information on properly using the LATCH system. It is available for purchase from Safe Ride News.
Printed versions of state-sponsored educational materials (including copies of the transition guides linked below) can be ordered from the Safe Kids NC website.
A guide to help determine when kids are ready to switch from rear-facing to forward-facing.
A guide to help determine when kids are ready to move from a car seat with a harness to a booster seat.
Also available in Spanish.
A guide to help determine when kids are big enough to ride without a booster seat.
Also available in Spanish.
North Carolina Child Passenger Safety Law and best practice recommendations.
Also available in Spanish.
Recommendations and Regulations transporting children in large vans and buses commonly used by Schools, Childcare Centers, and other Organizations.
All data tools are best viewed on a computer.
Maps showing number of CPS Technicians/Instructors and Permanent Checking Stations overall and by County.
A variety of data visualizations including seat belt use by county, locations of distracted driving crashes, and NC crash trends.
Law enforcement citation data by County.
North Carolina’s strategic Occupant Protection goals.