Contacts & Resources

North Carolina has local programs and permanent checking stations located throughout the state.  For assistance with car seat installations or for general car seat questions, contact a local program.

North Carolina Contacts

There are a number of agencies throughout North Carolina that can provide information and assistance to families and programs.

Contacts in Other States

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration maintains a list of Child Passenger Safety Training Contacts in each state. These contacts can provide information about laws, local programs, and other resources in states other than North Carolina.

National Contacts

A number of agencies across the United States have child passenger safety information available to parents/caregivers and Certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians.

Technician Resources

Resources for use by North Carolina’s Certified CPS Technicians and Instructors including the HSRC Recall List, seat check forms, and links to other agencies and websites that offer tools for CPS Technicians.


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